Professional Services

Among the strengths of the Mindeval technology, its flexibility means that virtually any questionnaire can be fed into the program and then taken online or offline.

Mindeval offers:

  1. A simple, easy-to-follow application for taking questionnaires;

  2. Immediate access to the results and their storage for later retrieval;

  3. Export collected data to Microsoft Excel or any statistical analysis software.

The following testing scenarios can be addressed by Mindeval

  1. One person takes a questionnaire one time and receives the results immediately.

  2. One person takes a questionnaire at regular intervals to track improvement over time.

  3. A group of people takes a questionnaire one time and receives the results.

  4. A group of people takes multiple questionnaires to track progress over time.

Mindeval also has solutions to enable data collection in places where no Internet or cellular connection is available as in hospitals where mobile phones and other communication devices cannot be used because they could interfere with medical equipment.

Our professional services can adapt the software to your particular needs. For example, we have built portable solutions for touch screen computers, netbooks and hand-held devices like the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet.

Contact us for more information.


Mindeval is the ideal tool for research in sport psychology. For example, evaluation tools can be quickly validated in different languages, providing a more efficient and accurate system than the paper-and-pencil method.

Current research projects include:

  1. validation of the Recovery Stress Questionnaire (Kellmann and Kallus)

  2. validation of the Dispositional Flow Scale 2 (Jackson)

  3. validation of the CSAI-2R (Cox, Martens, Russell)

Mindeval Professional Services can help scientists, scholars, government agencies and private corporations to quickly set-up large study projects and drastically reduce the time to concrete results. Mindeval is currently running research studies at a world wide scale.

Contact us for more information.